About the Artkive Box Service
- How can I rush my order?
- Is my shipping label still valid?
- How does the Artkive Box service work?
- How does pricing work for the Artkive Box?
- How long does the Artkive Box service take?
- Can the box service be used internationally?
Ordering an Artkive Box Starter Kit
- Can I get a new return shipping label?
- Do I need to order a box for every book or mosaic I want?
- Is there a deadline for sending back my box?
- Can I have the original artwork returned to me?
- What is the USB?
- How long will it take to get my box?
What To Send in Your Box
- What can I send in the Artkive Box? Does it have to be kids art?
- Can I just send in all the art I have and decide what goes in the book or mosaic after it's been photographed?
- Can I include some of my digital photos in my book or mosaic?
- If I include hand and footprints will they print the actual size?
- Can I send greeting cards in my box?
- Can I send 3D art?
Organizing Your Box
- What if I have some art that is too large for the box/Oversized Art?
- Packing Tips from a Mom
- How is double sided art photographed and/or artwork with art on the front and back?
- Do I have to organize my artwork before sending it in?
- What is the best way to organize my art before sending it to you?
- I have more than one child, what should I do?
What to Expect After Sending in Your Kit
- Will my order be ready before Christmas?
- Can I add more art to an order I already sent in?
- What is my order status?
- What is the 2nd payment invoice?
- Will I have time to review my book after completing payment?
- How does the rest of the process work after I've mailed my box?