How do I get some of these photos into my book? Does it cost extra?
Yes! Once you receive your book proof, you can add these photos into the book. As adding photos adds extra pages, there is a $0.75 cost per photo. You can add the photos to your book yourself.
Please let us know if you would like colored backgrounds on your photos to create a uniform look with the rest of the images.
I want my photos back, but I didn’t pay for art return. How do I go about making sure that happens?
We are happy to return your LifeKive photographs separately. There is a return shipping fee of $9.99 for the return of your LifeKive photos. Please contact for this service. Please note: this fee is NOT the fee for the Artkive Box Return Art service - if you want your Arkive Box returned, that fee is $20.
I’m going to be a little later than 30 days on sending back my box/photos. Can I still get the first 30 free?
The free offer is a special limited-time promotion and only applies to boxes that are returned within 30 days. We are still happy to scan your photos if you return them later, but there will be a $0.50 charge per photo.
What if I send artwork in my envelope, will those 30 pieces be free?
No, the offer only applies to photographs to be digitized. If you include art pieces in your envelope, they will be treated and priced as usual and included on your invoice and in your Artkive book.
I have stuff I want to preserve other than photos and kid art. What is Lifekive?
Lifekive is a new service from the people who brought you Artkive, designed to help you digitize and preserve your entire lifetime of memories! You can read more about our products and services at
I want to get a book/album made from just my photos. Can you do that for me? Is it just one per page like the art books?
Yes! We can build you a book with your photos just like your Artkive book, with one image per page. Through Lifekive, we also offer custom photo books, thoughtfully laid out and customized by our Storytellers with multiple images per page. Get more info one that service here: