How to Change the Cover Photo: Click on the cover image or click the "image" button above the book to open the cover image sidebar. Click "replace" to choose a new cover photo. You can choose a cover photo from this book, from your photo gallery or you can upload an image from your computer (click my gallery, then upload)

How to Adjust the Cover Photo: Click and drag the cover photo to adjust the alignment. You can adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast and hue using the adjust button in the sidebar. You can also rotate, crop or flip the cover image using the crop/rotate button in the sidebar.
How to Change the Title: Click the white title bar to open the title text side bar. Adjust the title text in the sidebar. You can adjust the title to the left, center or right of the line.
How to Change the Order of the Pages: Click "all pages" to see the order of all the pages in your book. To move an image, simply click on the image and hold down to drag and drop it into place.

If you want to move several pictures to a different part of the book at once, select the images you want to move by clicking the circle in the left corner of the images, then either drag and drop or use the "move to" selector at the top of the screen to move the images to the desired part of the book.

How to Change What Text Appears on Each Page of the Book: In the left sidebar, click "book text display". Here you can toggle on or off options for image titles (captions), name, age/grade, and date. Anything toggled "on" will appear on the book page if the image has that text type present.

How to Edit an Image: Click on the image you would like to edit. Click on the picture or the "image" button above the book to open up the image sidebar. From here, using the "adjust" button in the sidebar, you can adjust the brightness, saturation, contrast and hue. You can also rotate, crop or flip the cover image using the crop/rotate button in the sidebar.

How to Remove an Image from your Book: Click on the image you want to remove. Click on the picture or the "image" button above the book to open up the image sidebar. Click the "remove" button in the sidebar. This removes the image from your book, but the image is still in your account.
If you want to remove multiple pictures at once, click "all pages" then select the images you want to move by clicking the circle in the left corner of the images. Then click "remove" in the bar at the top of the screen.

How to Swap/Replace an Image from your Book with a different image: Click on the image you would like to replace. Click on the picture or the "image" button above the book to open up the image sidebar.

Click the "replace" button in the side bar. This will open up a window with image options. Only images that are not already in the book will appear in this window. If you are looking for images that were left out of a book because you had more than the maximum amount of pieces for a book, click "tags" and select the "extra images" tag to see the pictures that were left out of the book.

Select the image you want to add and click the "replace" button to make the change.
How to Change the Text on an image: Select the image you would like to edit then click on the text bar or the "text" button on top of the image. In the sidebar, you can type in an image title, name, grade and date for the image. PLEASE NOTE: if you add text in the sidebar, but do not see it appear on the page, click on the "book text display in the left sidebar to make sure that text type is toggled on!

How to Add an Image to your Book: Click "all pages" to view all the images in your book. Find where you want to insert an image and hover over the gap where you will see a plus sign appear. Click on the plus sign.

From here, select or upload the image you want to add and click the "add" button to insert the picture into your book. Please note: you may not be able to add a photo to your book if you try to add more pieces than originally paid for, if you get this message, please reach out to help@artkivebox.com for assistance.
How to Change the Size of your Book: Click "Book size" on the right side bar. You can choose from 2 book sizes, 8.5" x 11" (recommended for art books) or 8" x 8" (recommended for cards books).

Once you are finished editing your book, select the preview button in the top right corner to see what the printed book will look like.